Tomato Gossip

August 10–11, 2024
What Lab 1814 Pandora St.
Tickets on sale now
Image by Alan Derksen
Using a set of ingredients as a starting point for conversation, Tomato Gossip explores the aural side of recipe development, making room to tune in to some of the ways food making spaces are fruitful sites of weaving between food, bodies, and generations.
Working with four selected ingredients to bracket our conversational research, we explore the ways some of the people closest to us use these items. How might tomatoes, yogurt, dough, and prawns help us think through larger questions of heritage/inheritance? What gets passed on in the kitchen’s periphery and the margins of the recipes we gather?
Bringing together a casual dining and listening experience, these events are an experimental meeting point for an audience to engage with some of our research both sonically and through dining as we craft a menu of small bites and a sound work to share.
Due to the nature of this show, we are unable to accommodate dietary restrictions. For a full list of ingredients, email
Artist Info
Chipo Chipaziwa is a performance artist whose practice concerns itself with the performativity of her Black female body, archiving her performances, and challenging the gaze of her spectators. Her first artist book is scheduled to be released in November 2024.

Hannah Eriksson is a cook who used to be a fashion designer. Her primary culinary interests include: skill sharing, butchery, food oral history, and memory.
Yasmine Whaley-Kalaora is an artist/writer/curator whose practice currently encompasses video, audio scores, collecting/archiving, performance, writing, and curating CLAM; an event which centre’s inter-genre collaborations, short films, archival documentation and live performances @c.l.a.m

Accessibility Info
What Lab is located at 1814 Pandora Street. There is no dedicated parking, only street parking. The venue is located on the second floor up one flight of stairs, but there is a ground level accessible entrance through the back of the building. Seating is typically informal, and will include some combination of chairs, floor seating, couches, and cushions. There is one single-occupancy, gender-inclusive washroom. The washroom is not big enough for larger style wheelchairs to completely turn around in while the door is open. We are a trans-inclusive space.
This presentation is funded in part by