Sasha J. Langford
April 2020

Sasha dove into her project Sleeping positions for a room slated for demolition, which made use of sound, text, and choreography to consider the act of sleep as a form of embodied resilience in the context of precarious housing. Reflecting upon her experience as a renter in her third home in Vancouver with an uncertain timeline for demolition and redevelopment, the project experimented with duration and denaturalized quotidian gesture to consider the manner in which sleep cycles constitute a form of rhythmic action in tension with the temporality of financial speculation.
Sasha J. Langford makes sounds, writings, and interdisciplinary performance works that investigate intersections between bodies, power, and psychic life. She has composed soundtracks for 3D video, installation, and dance, and has done solo performances at festivals such as the International Noise Conference in Miami, FL; the Ende Tymes Festival of Noise and Experimental Liberation in Brooklyn, NY; and the Lines of Flight Festival of Experimental Music in Dunedin, New Zealand. Sasha is the organizer of Social/Movements, a reading and discussion group based around dance theory.