The What Lab studio space is open and available to rent.
We prioritize artists and orgs looking for creation, rehearsal, and event space. We also welcome rentals that make space for BIPOC, queer, and non-binary & femme led community gathering, mobilizing, & celebrating.
The Details
Safer Space Policy
What Lab must remain an open and safe space for all people. Renters must actively ensure they create an inclusive and safe environment for all patrons of What Lab, who represent all sexual orientations, gender identities, and races who come from diverse backgrounds, histories, and experiences. Anyone who accesses What Lab has the right to be free from all forms of discrimination, oppression, and harassment, and must be treated with respect and compassion at all times. All renters are responsible for creating safe and respectful environments for everyone to enjoy and experience the arts to connect, network, share ideas, and learn from and with each other.
Suggested Group Guidelines
Originally from the Safer Space Policy / Community Agreements framework created by the Anti-Oppression Network
-treat others the way THEY want to be treated
-always have check-ins
-API – Assume Positive Intent – not everyone comes in with the same set of experiences and knowledge, so assume that people have good intent. Please have positive intent yourself, and be accountable for the impact of your actions and words as well.
-confidentiality – share lessons learned; names and identifiers stay
-don’t yuck my yum” / “don’t giggle my wiggle” -people have different tastes and preferences. avoid statements such as “i hate that” or “eww!”
-no shaming and/or belittling each other and ourselves
-use “I” statements – speak from your own experiences rather than generalizing
-self-care: give care to ourselves, however that may be, including:
- take breaks from meetings/rehearsals if needed
- pass on/delegate responsibilities if needed
- saying yes and no when we mean it
- asserting healthy boundaries
-all spaces shared by members must be as physically and socially accessible as possible. While not all access needs can be met by What Lab, we encourage:
- use of our wheelchair accessible entrance, washrooms, seating
- sign language interpretation and/or live captioning
- hearing language interpretation
- childcare available
- access to a Compassion Fund for all artists and staff
- scent-free/scent-reduced spaces
- ongoing reflections of abled, anglophone, middle/upper class and other intersecting privileges and supremacist cultures