July Project 2018

Jul 9–Aug 6, 2018
7–10 pm
Already in its fourth year, July Project is a month long artistic intensive designed for people who don’t think they’re ready to do an artistic intensive. Have some project that’s been on the back burner for ages? Something you’re too busy/unsure of/scared to start? Then bring yourself, your project, and maybe some snacks to July Pro 2018.
The workshop begins with individuals setting projects including weekly goals. Then each week the group meets to share in their progress while looking to others for help, accountability, and encouragement. At the end we celebrate our creations with a public showcase art party extravaganza.
Whoever wants to join, can. You only have to do two things:
- Create something! This can really be anything: we’ve had dance pieces, sound art, photography, sculpture, woodworking, comics, operatic singing, poetry, bread baking, quilt making, and so much more.
- Show up to the weekly meetings ready to share your work, your skills, your insights, and your support.
What Lab endeavours to make July Project a safe place for all to share. We love trying new things and working outside of comfort zones. We celebrate failure. We encourage those of you who are intimidated (but interested) and discourage those of you who can’t be open to trusted listening and responding with your fellow makers.