deanna peters/mutable subject
November 2018

Deanna Peters/Mutable Subject is a dance artist who creates for stage, club, screen, web and print. Recent projects include META, created and performed with Justine A. Chambers and Kim Sato, presented with The Dance Centre. Also in 2017, she created Dancers Playing Basketball presented with the Vancouver International Dance Festival and “solo” presented with the Dancing on the Edge Festival. Working both inside and outside current modes of dance presentation, Deanna is a hyper-active DIY producer who hosts bespoke shows, parties and workshops.
For the past three years, she produces Interplay, a group show featuring multidisciplinary approaches to performance. She’s a member of Gold Saucer, an ad hoc group of artists who run rehearsal and venue spaces in Vancouver, and a part of 8 Days, an annual co-authored encounter for peer-to-peer research in dance and choreography in Canada. Currently, Deanna’s developing projects which are mostly dance, and most often in collaboration with others, around freestyle house dance, web programming, plants, dancer esp and other trippy perceptual phenomena. It’s all dance: